
Tuesday, 9 September 2008

The Holy Goalie - Should he be punished?

It would seem that the actions of our esteemed goalkeeper has stirred up the hearts of the scottish media once again. In a loving and warm gesture to the rangers fans at last weeks old firm, the holy goalie once again showed his affection for the rangers fans.

Ok fair enough, he probably shouldnt have done it, because he has a certain expectation and the glasgow celtic reputation to uphold. However, I when I watch football sometimes I'm left in total amazement at just how the players manage to keep their cool. These guys are verbally abused every week with the most vile venom that would make even the thickest skinned peoples skin crawl. If any player reacts to this, he is condemned to hell by the media etc....

Imagine this type of thing happening on our streets? I can just see it now, there would murder on a grand scale. These people must be stopped.

Dont get me wrong, there's a place for intimidation and noising up players, but there needs to be a line. When people start crossing it, it needs to be dealt with. Perhaps the stewards and cops need to grow a set.

1 comment:

paddy said...

no he shouldnt be punished, okay he shouldnt have done it but if 7000 of the manky mob can take the piss out of you for 90mins because of your religion then surely they can take the old 1 fingure salute with a bit of humour